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As an educator, I have taught and mentored students in both academic settings and artistic settings.

Teaching and Mentorship Experience

In Academic Settings:

I have served as a Course Assistant for several courses in Applied Psychology, including Introduction to Psychology, and Research Methods II (Advanced Research Methods in NYU's Department of Applied Psychology.

I have served as a mentor for the NYU QUEST Program, a summer research intensive for students of underrepresented racial groups in academia.

I have served as a Guest Lecturer on Research Methods and Quantitative Studies in the Drama Therapy Program at NYU.


In Artistic Settings:

I have served as a dance educator with children and adults in NYC and Long Island. At Breakin' Boundaries (Brooklyn, NY), I taught ballet classes for adults. At Marianne Anderson School of Dance, I taught a variety of classes: tap, jazz, ballet to students aged 3 to 17. 

I have worked as a Vocalist and Puppeteer at Kidville (Wantagh, NY) on the Rockin' Railroad.

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