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My research aims to understand whether, how, and under what conditions arts programming can promote positive youth development and social change.

Teenagers in Park
Performing Arts School

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Ibrahim, D.A., Godfrey, E.B, Burson, E., & Cappella, E. (2021). The Art of social justice: Examining the link between arts participation and critical consciousness development. Journal of Youth and     Adolescence.

Singh, S., Nalani, A., Ibrahim, D.A., Adler, J., Javdani, S., & Godfrey, E. (2021). When diversity is not enough: An intersectional examination of how juvenile legal system actors of color experience the system’s welfare mandate for girls of color. American Journal of Community Psychology.

Watts, T., Ibrahim, D., Khader, A., Li, C., Gandhi, J., & Raver, C. (2020). Exploring the Impacts of an Early Childhood Educational Intervention on Later School Selection. Educational Researcher, 49(9), 667-677.

Watts, T.W., Gandhi, J., Ibrahim, D.A., Masucci, M.D., & Raver, C.C. (2018). The Chicago School Readiness Project: Examining the long-term impacts of an early childhood intervention. PLoS  ONE 13(7): e0200144.

Rudski, J.M., Sperber, J. & Ibrahim, D. (2016). Addressing depression through psychotherapy,             medication, or social change. Neuroethics, 1-13. 

Conference Presentations

Ibrahim, D.A., Berezin, M., Javdani, S., & Godfrey, E. (2021, June). Creativity in support of girls’ healing: Linking creativity to girls’ growth in resilience and self-efficacy. Paper presented at the biennial     meeting for the Society of Community Research and Action.

Ibrahim, D.A., & Godfrey, E.B. Extracurricular Arts Participation: A potential tool for critical  consciousness development among high school youth. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence. [Cancelled due to COVID-19].

Ibrahim, D.A., Sajnani, N., Hodermarska, M., Moyer, A., & Shamir, O. (2019, November). Research design and results of a drama therapy intervention: Therapeutic theatre in a public health strategy to raise awareness about the opioid epidemic. Presented at the annual meeting of the North American Drama Therapy Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Ibrahim, D.A., Watts, T.W., Gandhi, J., Khadar, A., & Raver, C. (2018, April). The Role of the Chicago School Readiness Project and early environmental factors in school selection. Paper    presented in an invited vice presidential symposium at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

Ibrahim, D.A., Watts, T.W., Gandhi, J., Khadar, A., & Raver, C. (2018, February). Getting in: The influence of early intervention on later selection into higher-performing schools. Paper         presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, DC.

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